$Header: L:/library/lf90/1.10/tst/rterrmsg.txv 1.1 29 Mar 1995 15:49:04 GKANE $ Use this file to determine error messages from the iostat/stat number given in a Lahey runtime error message when the runtime error message file is not present. -2 Data transfer beyond end of record. -1 Data transfer beyond end of file. 1 Program stack exhausted (see "-Stack" linker switch in the Lahey Fortran 90 User's Guide). 2 NDP error - divide by zero. 3 NDP error - arithmetic overflow. 4 NDP error - arithmetic underflow. 5 NDP error - invalid number, INTEGER overflow, or 0/0. 6 INTEGER divide error. 7 INTEGER*2 overflow. 8 Invalid data access attempted; try -chk and/or running under SOLD90. 9 ** unused ** 10 SUBROUTINE subprogram invoked as a FUNCTION (see "Procedures" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 11 FUNCTION subprogram invoked as a SUBROUTINE (see "Procedures" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 12 Subprogram argument count differs from that of caller (see "Procedure Arguments" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 13 Subprogram alternate return count differs from that of caller (see "Procedure Arguments" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 14 Invalid substring reference (see "Substrings" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 15 Array subscript exceeds allocated area (see "Arrays" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 16 Insufficient RAM to continue execution. 17 ** unused ** 18 DO increment is zero (see "DO Construct" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 19 Adjustable array dimension is not positive (see "Array Properties" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 20 Invalid argument for ABS function (see "ABS Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 21 SQRT argument negative (see "SQRT Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 22 Invalid argument value for MOD function (see "MOD Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 23 Invalid argument value for INT function (see "INT Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 24 Invalid argument value for LOG function (see "LOG Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 25 Invalid argument value for LOG10 function (see "LOG10 Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 26 Invalid argument value for EXP function (see "EXP Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 27 Invalid power operation. 28 Invalid argument value for SIN function (see "SIN Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 29 Invalid argument value for COS function (see "COS Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 30 Invalid argument value for TAN function (see "TAN Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 31 Invalid argument value for TANH function (see "TANH Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 32 Invalid argument value for COSH function (see "COSH Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 33 Invalid argument value for SINH function (see "SINH Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 34 Invalid argument value for ASIN function (see "ASIN Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 35 Invalid argument value for ACOS function (see "ACOS Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 36 ** unused ** 37 Invalid argument value for ATAN2 function (see "ATAN2 Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 38 ** unused ** 39 COMPLEX divide by zero. 40 ** unused ** 41 System error in subroutine SYSTEM (see "-MAXreal" and -"MINreal" linker switches in the Lahey Fortran 90 User's Guide). 42 Insufficient memory to load program in subroutine SYSTEM (see "SYSTEM Subroutine" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 43 "COMSPEC" not present in environment in subroutine SYSTEM (see "SYSTEM Subroutine" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 44 Load file not found in subroutine SYSTEM (see "SYSTEM Subroutine" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 45 Load file access denied in subroutine SYSTEM (see "SYSTEM Subroutine" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 46 Invalid environment in subroutine SYSTEM (see "SYSTEM Subroutine" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 47 Invalid load file format in subroutine SYSTEM (see "SYSTEM Subroutine" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 48 ** unused ** 49 ** unused ** 50 Invalid argument value for COTAN function (see "COTAN Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 51 COTAN not defined for argument that is a multiple of pi (see "COTAN Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 52 Invalid argument value for DCOTAN function (see "DCOTAN Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 53 DCOTAN not defined for argument that is a multiple of pi (see "DCOTAN Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 54 GAMMA not defined for x < -34.04 or x > 35.04. 55 GAMMA not defined for zero or negative integer. 56 DGAMMA not defined for x < -169.7 or x > 170.7. 57 DGAMMA not defined for zero or negative integer. 58 ALGAMA not defined for x <= 0.0. 59 DLGAMA not defined for x <= 0.0. 60 Invalid bit number specification in BTEST function (see "BTEST Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 61 Invalid bit number specification in IBSET function (see "IBSET Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 62 Invalid bit number specification in IBCLR function (see "IBCLR Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 63 Inconsistent argument(s) in IBITS function (see "IBITS Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 64 Inconsistent argument(s) in MVBITS subroutine (see "MVBITS Subroutine" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 65 Inconsistent argument(s) in ISHFT function (see "ISHFT Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 66 Inconsistent argument(s) in ISHFTC function (see "ISHFTC Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 67 -- 78 ** unused ** 79 Program memory exhausted. 80 Insufficient RAM to continue execution. 81 Program stack exhausted. 82 NDP error - divide by zero. 83 NDP error - arithmetic overflow. 84 NDP error - arithmetic underflow. 85 NDP error - invalid number, INTEGER overflow, or 0/0. 86 INTEGER divide error. 87 INTEGER*2 overflow. 88 ** unused ** 89 ** unused ** 90 FORMAT repeat count less than 1 or greater than 32767 (see "FORMAT Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 91 Invalid direct file record number (see "Files" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 92 Data transfer beyond end of record. 93 Data transfer beyond end of file. 94 System I/O error. 95 Invalid or inconsistent CLOSE parameters (see "See CLOSE Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 96 Invalid or missing record length specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 97 Invalid ACCESS= specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 98 Invalid or inconsistent FORM= specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 99 Invalid STATUS= specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 100 BLANK= specification invalid or used with unformatted file (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 101 Unable to create file. 102 Invalid parameter change on open file. 103 Invalid I/O operation on a non-disk device. 104 Invalid syntax in FORMAT (see "FORMAT Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 105 FORMAT specification incompatible with data type (see "Input/Output Editing" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 106 Too many conversion digits requested in FORMAT (see "FORMAT Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 107 Invalid CARRIAGE CONTROL= specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 108 Invalid FORMAT field width (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 109 Invalid LOGICAL input (see "Literal Data" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 110 Invalid CHARACTER input (see "Literal Data" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 111 Invalid list-directed input (see "List-Directed Formatting" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 112 Invalid numeric input (see "Literal Data" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 113 Output field width exceeded (see "Data Edit Descriptors" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 114 Invalid unit number (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 115 Initiating I/O while doing I/O. 116 Direct I/O on a sequential file (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 117 Sequential I/O on a direct file (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 118 Unit already connected (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 119 Invalid Hollerith constant in FORMAT (see "FORMAT Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 120 File is in an inconsistent state. 121 Unable to position file. 122 Unable to close file. 123 Unable to read file. 124 Unable to write file. 125 Invalid repeated input (see "READ Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 126 List-directed I/O not allowed (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 127 Nesting too deep in FORMAT (see "FORMAT Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 128 Conversion specification missing in FORMAT (see "FORMAT Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 129 Invalid scale factor in FORMAT (see "Input/Output Editing" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 130 Unable to delete file. 131 File already in use. 132 Formatted I/O on an unformatted file (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 133 Unformatted I/O on a formatted file (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 134 File header is incompatible with FORM= and ACCESS= (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 135 File is already in the directory. 136 Cannot open file. 137 Invalid file name. 138 No file connected to unit (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 139 Invalid OPEN parameters (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 140 Too many digits of precision requested for data type (see "Data Edit Descriptors" and "Intrinsic Data Types" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 141 No file handles left (see Configuring, FILES= in DOS manual). 142 Number in FORMAT is negative or too large (see "FORMAT Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 143 Invalid value for T or X in FORMAT (see "Control Edit Descriptors" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 144 Path not found. 145 Invalid NAMELIST input format (see "Namelist Formatting" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 146 Array subscript exceeds allocated area (see "Arrays" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 147 Wrong number of array dimensions (see "Arrays" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 148 Variable name not found. 149 File specified STATUS= "NEW" already exists (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 150 File specified STATUS= "OLD" doesn't exist (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 151 RECL= specifier differs from record length of file (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 152 Filename specification too long (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 153 Record length > 32767 (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 154 Invalid ACTION= specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 155 Invalid DELIM= specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 156 Invalid PAD= specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 157 Invalid POSITION= specification (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 158 File cannot be opened, requested ACTION not available. 159 File sharing is not loaded, requested ACTION not available. 160 Unable to ENDFILE properly. 161 Unable to REWIND properly. 162 Unable to allocate memory for string concatenation. 163 Indeterminate machine storage. 164 Invalid BLOCKSIZE= specifier (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 165 Allocatable array has already been allocated (see "ALLOCATE Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 166 An allocatable array that has not been allocated may not be deallocated (see "DEALLOCATE Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 167 Allocatable array referenced before allocated (see "ALLOCATE Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 168 Allocatable array memory exhausted (see "ALLOCATE Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 169 Allocatable array size must be positive (see "ALLOCATE Statement" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 170 An 80286 processor is required for execution. 171 An 80386 processor is required for execution. 172 Unrecoverable internal error. Please contact Lahey Technical Support. 173 More significant digits input than data type can represent (see "Literal Data" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 174 Executable created with incompatible runtime library. 175 An 80x87 coprocessor is required for execution. 176 A Weitek coprocessor is required for execution. 177 '$' and '\' editor descriptors cannot be used with ADVANCE = "NO". 178 Invalid ADVANCE= operand (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 179 EOR= can only be used on READ statements with ADVANCE = "NO" (see "Input/Output" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 180 NDP stack overflow. 181 Invalid value for SHIFT argument to ISHFT intrinsic function (see "ISHFT Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 182 Namelist input does not conform to the Fortran 90 Standard. 183 NCOPIES argument to REPEAT intrinsic function must not be negative (see "REPEAT Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 184 Invalid argument to IBITS intrinsic function (see "IBITS Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 185 ** unused ** 186 Invalid value for POS argument to IBSET intrinsic function (see "IBSET Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 187 Invalid value for POS argument to IBCLR intrinsic function (see "IBCLR Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 188 Invalid value for SHIFT argument to ISHFTC intrinsic function (see "ISHFTC Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 189 Invalid value for SIZE argument to ISHFTC intrinsic function (see "ISHFTC Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 190 Invalid value for POS argument to BTEST intrinsic function (see "BTEST Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 191 S argument to NEAREST intrinsic must be non-zero (see "NEAREST Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 192 Vector arguments are of unequal length for DOT_PRODUCT intrinsic function (see "DOT_PRODUCT Function" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 193 Invalid value for DIM argument in intrinsic function. 194 ARRAY and MASK arguments must be conformable. 195 Shapes of arguments do not conform in intrinsic function. 196 Shapes of arguments do not match in intrinsic function. 197 Invalid argument shape in intrinsic function. 198 Invalid argument value in intrinsic function. 199 Invalid argument length in intrinsic function. 200 Invalid argument size in intrinsic function. 201 -- 204 ** unused ** 205 Lengths of POINTER and TARGET must match. 206 MASK argument is not conformable with FIELD argument in UNPACK intrinsic function. 207 Insufficient size for VECTOR argument in UNPACK intrinsic function. 208 ARRAY argument to UBOUND intrinsic function must not be a disassociated pointer. 209 Shapes do not conform (see "Arrays" in the Lahey Fortran 90 Language Reference). 210 Illegal transfer outside of program unit. 211 ARRAY argument to UBOUND intrinsic function must not be an unallocated allocatable array. 212 Invalid value for DIM argument in UBOUND intrinsic function. 213 Invalid value for DIM argument in SUM intrinsic function. 214 MASK argument is not conformable with ARRAY argument in SUM intrinsic function. 215 Invalid value for DIM argument in SPREAD intrinsic function. 216 Invalid value for DIM argument in SIZE intrinsic function. 217 ARRAY argument to SHAPE intrinsic function must not be a disassociated pointer. 218 ARRAY argument to SHAPE intrinsic function must not be an unallocated allocatable array. 219 Invalid value for DIM argument in ALL intrinsic function. 220 Invalid value for DIM argument in ANY intrinsic function. 221 Invalid value for DIM argument in COUNT intrinsic function. 222 Invalid shape for SHIFT argument in CSHIFT intrinsic function. 223 Invalid value for DIM argument in CSHIFT intrinsic function. 224 Insufficient length for DATE argument in DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic subroutine. 225 Insufficient length for TIME argument in DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic subroutine. 226 Insufficient length for ZONE argument in DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic subroutine. 227 Insufficient size for VALUES argument in DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic subroutine. 228 Invalid shape for SHIFT argument in EOSHIFT intrinsic function. 229 Invalid shape for BOUNDARY argument in EOSHIFT intrinsic function. 230 Invalid value for DIM argument in EOSHIFT intrinsic function. 231 Invalid argument length to IACHAR intrinsic function. 232 Invalid argument length to ICHAR intrinsic function. 233 Invalid value for DIM argument in LBOUND intrinsic function. 234 ARRAY argument to LBOUND intrinsic function must not be an unallocated allocatable array. 235 ARRAY argument to LBOUND intrinsic function must not be a disassociated pointer. 236 Invalid shape for MATRIX_B argument in MATMUL intrinsic function. 237 MASK argument is not conformable with ARRAY argument in MAXLOC intrinsic function. 238 Invalid value for DIM argument in MAXVAL intrinsic function. 239 MASK argument is not conformable with ARRAY argument in MAXVAL intrinsic function. 240 MASK argument is not conformable with ARRAY argument in MINLOC intrinsic function. 241 Invalid value for DIM argument in MINVAL intrinsic function. 242 MASK argument is not conformable with ARRAY argument in MINVAL intrinsic function. 243 Invalid FROMPOS argument value in MVBITS intrinsic subroutine. 244 Invalid LEN argument value in MVBITS intrinsic subroutine. 245 Invalid TO argument value in MVBITS intrinsic subroutine. 246 Invalid TOPOS argument value in MVBITS intrinsic subroutine. 247 MASK argument is not conformable with ARRAY argument in PACK intrinsic function. 248 Insufficient size for VECTOR argument in PACK intrinsic function. 249 MASK argument is not conformable with ARRAY argument in PRODUCT intrinsic function. 250 Invalid value for DIM argument in PRODUCT intrinsic function. 251 Insufficient size for PUT argument in RANDOM_SEED intrinsic subroutine. 252 Insufficient size for GET argument in RANDOM_SEED intrinsic subroutine. 253 Insufficient size for SOURCE argument in RESHAPE intrinsic function. 254 SHAPE argument in RESHAPE intrinsic function contains an invalid value. 255 ORDER argument in RESHAPE intrinsic function contains an invalid value.